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Tuzla is a city in Bosnia-Herzegovina (former Yugoslavia).
"Give me a bud and a slice ..."
Bud, short forBudweiser, is an American beer. The name comes from the Czech town of Budvar (Budweis in German) where this type of beer originated and where the original Budweiser beer is still being brewed.
"Give me a bud and a slice ..."
This is probably a slice ofpizza. Beer and pizza are supposedly the favourite food of so-called couch potatoes, i.e. people who spend long hours in front of the television.
"Who needs your micro-brew."
micro-brew = beer from amicro-brewery
"Give me the new TV Guide ..."
TV Guide is an American weekly TV listings magazine.
"Last week, saw the new Tarantino ..."
Quentin Tarantino (1963- ), American film director
Internet Movie Database entry for Quentin Tarantino
"It's just like the Beano ..."
TheBeano is a comic strip first published in 1938.
"... and L.A.'s so hot ..."
Los Angeles, California
"Methinks I doth protest too much ..."
Compare "The lady protests too much, methinks" inHamlet (act 3, scene 2) by
William Shakespeare (1564-1616).
"And the prince with the slipper appears ..."
References to the fairytale ofCinderella.
Daedalus. A legendary Athenian, father of Icarus, who formed the Cretan labyrinth and made wings, by means of which he flew from Crete across the archipelago.